‎Meta Horizon on the App Store

阅读: 12 发表于 2024-08-11 17:22


MrBoMax , 12/27/2023

Lots Of Terror For Buying Games (kids)

There is LOTS of things that I hate about the app but a little about the quest 3. One thing, (that I really want you to know) WHY CANT YOUR CHILD HAVE DEVELOPER MODE FOR PLAYING GAMES?! LIKE WE MADE ONE! PLEASE, I WASTED 10$ ON A GAME THAT NEEDS YOU TO HAVE DEVELOPER MODE, I WANT YOU TO FIX THIS! And your honing to be like, “why can’t you just refund it?” NO I WANT YOU TO PUT SOMETHING ON THE TOP FOR ALL GAMES TO SAY DOESNT NEED DEVELOPER MODE AND DOES NEED DEVELOPER MODE. PLEASE, STOP TAKING OUR MONEY WE GET IT!! For the app, you can’t resend the permission if your a child, also if you wanted to resend a permission, you needed to block then unblock your child, and sometimes it brings your parent through like a loop x3 when trying to purchase something for the quest. And if you wanna start downloading it, you need to wait for your your parent to accept it and refresh the page and click “Add to VR” which is just dumb. Another thing is, don’t expect real people to email you on CHRISTMAS when YOU email them. Also, I’m okay with the battery life but please fix it to tho.

John Heisler , 08/05/2023

So many bugs

Casting is clunky. Screenshots and videos for games won’t display in landscape view, even though they’re oriented in landscape view. Will get trapped in full screen mode with no way to back out so I just have to close the app entirely (there is an “X” icon but tapping it does nothing). Games purchased by one user not available to the other user. My wife bought the oculus for me (yes I call it oculus because meta is a stupid name) and she bought several games with her profile before giving me the machine. Then I made a profile and bought games, and now we need to switch back and forth between profiles to access the different games bought by each profile. So dumb. Connecting with friends in the oculus is way more clunky than it should be. We always have problems. For example, we’ll both send invites to each other and they don’t come through for either party. Sometimes we’ll join a party and the audio isn’t working, so we have to power off and try connecting again. I never have these problems on my Xbox/PC/PlayStation.

The oculus is super fun and has a ton of potential! It has so many bugs though. I’ve had to factory reset my device twice because of bugs that don’t go away. The most recent time was because the grid (the boundary of the oculus environment) would not go away. Nothing except a factory reset fixed the problem. There have been many other bugs, those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Random user_9901 , 12/29/2021

The best reasons to use this are all broken.

The app is presented to the user in a useful and intuitive way, but lacks execution. Exhibit A; the recently added Mixed Reality Camera (a feature which made me immediately re-download the app). For those who don’t know, this gives the user the capability to record yourself in your surroundings in VR, with augmented-reality capable phones (iPhone 7 Plus and up)*. This feature just doesn’t work. The app in the headset tells me to use the phone and the phone just casts, doesn’t offer anything else where everything should be. Exhibit B; the phone notifications. This feature works maybe 60% of the time and refuses to let me unpair the headset to the phone via Bluetooth when I need to repair it (I CANT DELETE THE HEADSET FROM MY BLUETOOTH), which I need to repair the system if the notification flow to the headset stops. This is a pity as this capability was added a while ago and still hasn’t really been patched. At this point this app just gives your headset a bunch of half-baked capabilities that only work half of the time. Wouldn’t suggest use after you’ve gotten past initial setup of headset.

*in the instructions it says iPhone X and up, but the supposed capability is aligned with the 7 Plus, and has been seen in other instances working as well as the new phones. In short, there’s 0 reason why this shouldn’t LOAD, not that it should work or connect.


