东南亚 in English

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A South-East Asia subregional workshop on the development of the SRAP is planned to take place in Indonesia in July 2003 to formulate the framework of the SRAP in collaboration with relevant agencies, institutions and NGOs.



As in Latin America and Africa, climate change interacting with human drivers is impacting significantly on high and medium forest cover countries, particularly in South-East Asia and East Asia where most are located.



The good offices efforts of the Secretary-General would no longer be required when national reconciliation and democratization in Myanmar are achieved based on the participation of all the parties concerned and in accordance with a series of General Assembly resolutions



The Court also ordered both parties, first, to continue the cooperation that they had entered into with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and, in particular, to allow the observers appointed by the organization to have access to the provisional demilitarized zone; secondly, to refrain from any action that might aggravate or extend the dispute before the Court or make it more difficult to resolve; and thirdly and finally, to inform the Court as to compliance with the provisional measures.



Another country, while supportive of the recommendation to organize regional consultations with new intergovernmental bodies on human rights, namely, the Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Arab Human Rights Committee, expressed the view that the consultations should not be confined to the criteria, but should be broadened to include possible ways to operationalize the right to development within the respective regions, taking into consideration both the national and international aspects of this right.


东南亚国家联盟(东盟) # 个成员国的外交部长今年 # 月在河内开会时都强调,必须通过我们改革安理会的各项努力,加强安理会的代表性、效力、透明度和问责制。

When the Foreign Ministers of the # member countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) met in Hanoi in July this year, they emphasized the need to strengthen the representativeness, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of the Council through our efforts to reform it


为了促进区域合作,缅甸于 # 年 # 月与东南亚国家联盟其他国家政府首脑一道,表示将联合领导防治艾滋病的活动。

To boost regional collaboration, in November # yanmar joined the heads of Government of other countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations to pledge joint leadership in the fight against AIDS



Encourages cooperation between the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to exchange expertise, best practices, lessons learned and experiences in countering terrorism and radicalization to terrorism and preventing violent extremism as and when conducive to terrorism, and reaffirms the positive initiative of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations on the Global Movement of Moderates in shaping global development and advancing global peace, particularly in efforts to fight against violent extremism and radicalization to terrorism;



Turnbull is scheduled to host leaders of the 10-country Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) March 17-18 in Sydney at the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit, the first ASEAN summit to be held in Australia.



Legal advisers in Latin America, Central Asia and South-East Asia will conduct missions in their regions, while legal advisers from UNODC headquarters will travel to Africa and any other region not covered by the other advisers.



Most scholars think the jars are mortuary urns left behind by an unknown civilization.



The Committee noted that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations leaders’ meeting on the aftermath of the tsunami disaster, held in Jakarta on 6 January 2005, had adopted a declaration on action to strengthen emergency relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and prevention in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami disaster.



Hence, the countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations are fully committed and working closely towards economic integration within the region.



Rapid reductions in income poverty, in particular in South East-Asia and China, made this possible



In the pipeline business, SPC holds interests in three regional gas transmission pipelines.



Following an initial expert meeting, held in Amsterdam in October 2012, seven subregional workshops were organized in, respectively, West Africa (for French-speaking and English-speaking States), East Africa, the Caribbean region, South and South-East Asia, Eurasia and North Africa.



Increased percentage of participants who indicate that they found ESCAP activities relevant and useful in formulating and implementing policies and programmes, including those with a gender dimension, to address key priority areas in South-East Asia



Awareness-raising activities on the Convention and the Optional Protocol have taken place at OHCHR regional offices for South-East Asia (Bangkok) and Africa (Addis Ababa), and at regional conferences attended by Department staff in Brussels, Bangkok and Panama.



WFS also produced 14 stories on the South-East Asian experience in implementing CEDAW, five of which were picked up by the national media and three were posted on the UNIFEM website.



Cambodia, which had been the first country in South-East Asia to ratify the Statute and was one of the 60 States whose ratification had made possible its entry into force, reaffirmed its commitment to join the efforts of the international community to end impunity in the world, an undertaking consistent with its national programme for the strengthening of democracy, the rule of law and human rights.



As a fellow member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, we wish you every success and are confident that you will do an excellent job as President of the Council for this month.



During the meeting, the Council reviewed the activities and achievements of CAPSA in 2013, including progress in implementing the Network for Knowledge Transfer on Sustainable Agricultural Technologies and Improved Market Linkages in South and Southeast Asia (SATNET Asia), and the administrative and financial status of CAPSA in 2013.



The United Nations Population Fund also finds that the unmet need for family planning among the urban poor in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa is nearly as great as for rural populations and that in South-East Asia it is greater.



Strengthening regional cooperation and coordination of early warning system arrangements for tsunamis through the Multi-Donor Voluntary Trust Fund on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia


c) 支持《关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》和《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》、《生物多样性公约卡塔赫纳生物技术安全议定书》、东南亚国家联盟《越境烟雾污染问题协定》、南部非洲发展共同体《共有水道系统议定书》和《修正安第斯分区域一体化协定(卡塔赫纳协定)的议定书》的谈判工作,对促进圆满的国际合作,通过区域和多边协定改善环境作出了重大贡献。

c) Support provided to the negotiation of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Conventions on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, the Association of South-East Asian Nations Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution, the Protocol on Shared Watercourse Systems in the Southern African Development Community region and the Protocol Amending the Andean Subregional Integration Agreement (Cartagena Agreement) contributed significantly to promoting successful international cooperation to improve the environment through regional and multilateral agreements


