CUHK Business School Announces the Faculty Teachin

阅读: 6 发表于 2024-09-04 21:48


This is the third year of the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award to honour faculty members for their excellent performance and achievements in teaching, and the very first year to introduce an award category for junior faculty members.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School has recently announced the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA) 2016-17. This is the third year of the FTEA to honour faculty members for their excellent performance and achievements in teaching, and the very first year to introduce an award category for junior faculty members.

Starting from the 2016-17 academic year, there will be two categories under FTEA—General Faculty Members and Early Career Faculty Members. The former category is for staff who have taught at CUHK Business School for at least three academic years; while the latter category is for staff with at least one-year teaching experience at CUHK Business School and no more than five years of teaching experience in higher education institutions.

The awardees this year are:

General Faculty Members Early Career Faculty Member

Prof. Fan Tingting

Prof. Fan Tingting

In recognition of their contributions, each awardee will receive a professional allowance of HK$10,000 which may be used for activities, purchases or conference travels related to professional development, and a commemorative plaque specially designed for the award.

Every year, all full-time academic staff members of the Business School with teaching duties, including faculty members under fractional appointment, are eligible for the nomination of the Award.  All academic staff and students of the School were allowed to make nominations. Each nomination is reviewed by a selection panel comprising the Chairperson of the Faculty Committee on Teaching and Learning Quality, two members of the School and an external member outside the School. Only a maximum of three awards are made every year.


