
阅读: 10 发表于 2024-07-05 04:07


Our mission is to pursue excellence in knowledge creation, integration and application, and to breed practical business elites.

The mission is explained by HHBS as: the devotion to the integration between the Chinese traditional water management and business management, the aspiration to acquire the wide knowledge in all times and all countries, and the combination of Chinese and western management practice; the reverence of practicality and application of knowledge, the implementation of consistent realistic style of HHU; the devotion to the cultivation of future business elites equipped with the ability and advantage to resolve real problems, the wide horizon, the pursuit of excellence and innovation.


With the excellence of dedicated service in water industry, our vision is to become an innovative business school with worldwide reputation.

The vision is explained by HHBS as: the compliance of the HHU’s positioning as “water conservancy features, first-class worldwide”, the inheritance of the tolerance to “moisten the creatures like a river, and contain the rivers like the ocean”. Moreover, it is required to integrate the traditional water management philosophy of China with the occidental and oriental management culture and business management practice. At the service of its featured advantage of water-related industry, HHBS will turn out to be the world-renowned business school.


Taking the character of water as our highest standard of behavior and morality, we strive to make contributions to our community and society.

The values of HHBS inherits the basic conception of the world in the Chinese traditional culture, to which Lao Tzu summarized as such four characters as “as good as water”. “As good as water” derives from Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. Accordingly, the highest realm of benevolence resembles the nature of water, namely, spreading grace to all the beings, and refusing to follow the reputes and interests. Water often situates itself in the lower part of the land, yet it moistens the land unknowingly; water often flows following the landscape, yet in obedient flowing, it indicates the strong power to reshape the world. That’s why the nature of water claimed by Lau Tzu is interlinked with the “Tao”, in which the principle of development in nature and in society is manifested, linking the philosophy of national governance with the water conservancy. HHU is a university that studies the “Tao of water conservancy”. The faculty and students of the HHBS are supposed to inherit the essence of traditional Chinese thought of water management, and consider the “spreading grace to all the beings” and contributions made to the society as their own values and codes of behavior.


Our strategy is to develop by (1) providing high quality business education(2)improving the internationalization of the school(3)entering the mainstream of management education and research(4)maintaining distinctive characteristics in water industry.

 “High level” is the expected positioning and increasing competitive level of scientific research and education of HHBS. Guided by the concept of internationalization, based on the participation of international accreditation, HHBS  will continue to reform and improve the mode of teaching, scientific research and administration. The strategy of “entrance into mainstream” basically includes the tracking of international and domestic matters of developing mainstream business management, the entrance into major cooperation and exchange organization as well as the widely acknowledged scholarship circle among business school peers. Also, it aims to achieve the fruition recognized by mainstream scholarship and education fields. Also, HHBS adheres to the industrial and regional advantageous resource, strengthen the leading position of business and management research and education in the field of water conservancy, hydro- electronics, water transport, water utility and water tourism. HHBS requires the faculty to research the matters of featured water-related management with the mainstream research theory and methods in academic research. Also, in terms of student cultivation, HHBS requires the effective combination of the commonsense business management education with the featured industrial background education. Major concern should be focused on the cultivation of management talents in water-related industries.


